Common Terrarium Mistakes

Terrariums are wonderful indoor DIY projects to make, and are incredibly easy to take care of and maintain. Although sometimes it can be tricky to take care of your terrarium because of its environment. Here are some pitfalls to avoid with you terrariums!

Too Much Light

Glass acts as a magnifier and actually can burn the plants. Especially with our Central Oregon sunshine in the summers and winters. It is best to keep terrariums out of direct sun.

Too Little Light

The other flip side is that your terrariums may not have enough light in its day. Most plants need some light to survive unless they are low-light plants. For this problem you can use grow lights, fluorescent lights, or even placement near a window.

Over Watering

This is true with any plant, but with terrariums we all seem to think that they need more water than they actually do! A good way to manage the watering it is to use a spray bottle instead of pouring water into you terrarium.

Leaving Dying Plants

If a plant looks like it is dying in your terrarium, get rid of its dying leaves. If the plant looks like it is diseased, take it out immediately as it can infect other plants.

Letting Plants Get Scraggly

Keep an eye on your plants for when they start to get long and leggy. Trimming them back help keep the plants small and avoids them from touch the glass.

Dirty Glass

This is one of the most over looked mistakes with terrariums. Every once in a while is it a good idea to clean the glass of your terrarium both inside and out. But! Keep in mind DO NOT use any harsh cleaning products on the inside of the terrarium because it may kill the plants.

Over Fertilizing

Terrariums do not need any fertilizer at all. Usually the reason we have terrarium’s is because you like that your plants are small. Feeding them will encourage new growth and the plants will quickly outgrow their space.

Too Close to Radiators or Heater Vent

The heat of a radiator can kill your plants very quickly. If you put your terrarium on or near a radiator or heat vent your plant is likely to dry out and not survive.

Choosing the Wrong Plants

Yes, it is possible to grow almost anything in a terrarium! Although, it is important to choose plants that will thrive in the type of terrarium you are creating. If you are making a closed terrarium, choose plants that like to be moist. Also keep in mind the amount of light they will receive.


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How To Make A Terrarium At Home